ths story basically revolves arnd 3 characters Bill, Cobb and the blonde...Bill is a compulsive follower who has the habit of following people and see where they end..on one such instance he follows Cobb...Cobb who is a burglar befriends him and starts involving him in petty the meantime Bill gets into a relationship with a blonde (who is constantly being blackmailed a local club owner)....On her request, Bill decides to loot the club's safe so as to retrieve blonde's sleazy pics and money...however it turns out that the safe didnt have any of her pics and Bill realizes that he is being used as a pawn...While looting the safe he also injures one of the policeman with a hammer...
At a later point it is revealed that Cobb was manipulating Bill so as to have him caught by police for a murder of an old woman in which he was involved (thgh he didnt commit it)...however here comes another twist...there is no such old woman and in fact Bill (who is working for the club owner) has killed the blonde...since Bill had previously looted blonde's house he is held guilty by the police.....
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